ISSA's Elite Trainer I Certification Program (450 clock hours) combines the Personal Trainer Certification, Fitness Nutrition Certification, and Fitness / Exercise Therapist Certification. Upon successful passing of all six courses, distinguished trainers earn the title of ISSA Master Trainer and hold CFT, SFN, FT, SFOA, SSC, and YFT training credentials.

ISSA's Master Trainer Certification Program (900 clock hours) combines the Personal Trainer Certification, Fitness Nutrition Certification, Fitness / Exercise Therapist Certification, Senior Fitness Certification, Youth Fitness Certification, and Strength and Conditioning Certification. Enrolled students have access to the Educational Division of the online ISSA Members Section, which includes a Question Board, online access to course materials, and other resources. They also offers phone support and web support both while you are enrolled in the course and after you are certified. Students have up to 2 years from the date of enrollment to complete a certification program.

International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) Personal Training Certification