
Gimp move selection of a layer
Gimp move selection of a layer

gimp move selection of a layer

Hold down the SHIFT key and click and drag in the canvas to move the woman and vignette around. The lock button for that is in the layers dialog. This creates a Floating Selection in the Layers dialog. While it does not help directly with moving a specific layer, it is now possible to lock the position and size of layers. You might want to change this in your WM or DE configuration, as Alt is a frequently used modified key in GIMP. In the move tool options choose to move Layer instead to Selection (by pressing the first icon near 'Move' in 'Tool Options') Now, it should be possible to move the shine. You should: Transform your selection to a float selection using Select->Float. The steel industry is moving in the direction of more energy-efficient production and stronger steel qualities. If your window manager or desktop environment uses Alt+Drag for its own purposes, you can use Ctrl+Alt and drag. Your move tool is set to move the selection, not the area selected by. Hold the Alt key and drag the layer with the text tool.


You can also move the text layer with the text tool. In this GIMP basics tutorial for beginners, I show you how to create a new layer from a selection area using a very simple technique. Looks like you have selected the Move Selection option in the Tool Options, but you have no selection to move. Then holding the Shift key will switch to Pick a layer mode. You can access the Move Tool in different ways: From the image menu bar Tools Transform Tools Move, By clicking the tool icon. You can also change the default there - switch to Move the active layer mode with the mouse and save the tool options. The Move Tool is used to move layers, selections, paths or guides. You can see this mode in the move tool options: I hope that answers what you were looking for, but if not then leave a comment down below and I’ll see what I can do to help you out. And there you have it you’ve created a new layer from your selection. The latter is what holding the Shift key accomplishes. Simply right-click on the floating layer and select To New Layer. Switch from the Pick a layer mode to Move the active layer mode.When I do a select by color, the marching ants appear around the blob of color I selected.

gimp move selection of a layer

Then you can move it wherever you want (make sure you moving layer in Tool Options and not moving selection).

  • Make sure that you click on a pixel of the text, or This will paste the selected blob as floating selection.
  • gimp move selection of a layer

    The same would happen if you had a few thin lines on an otherwise transparent layer. Select the tool, or press the M key on your keyboard. Text layers tend to have many transparent pixels, and thus it is easy to grab a layer behind them (that is, lower in the layer stack). To move layers, selections or paths, to we use the Move tool (1). By default, the move tool in GIMP moves the uppermost layer that has a non-transparent pixel at the click location.

    Gimp move selection of a layer